[MonoDevelop] GTK/Stetic designer 'Bind To Field' Missing
Luciano _
lnc19 at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 1 09:38:52 EST 2007
Yes, it is happening if you see a diff of my project:
The Name Property of the images are changing automatically when i compile my
Do i fill bug report? I avoid this by manually unselecting the files that
weren't modified when i made a commit.
The gui.stetic split is a very useful option, it is really hard to maintain
gui.stetic file in subversion modified by more than 1 user. Other really big
problem is that in some rare cases the save operation of a Window File
fails, and the gui.stetic become blank (lost the data), i cannot make proper
test to fill a bug report (An error massage is given to me, but i don't
remember at this time) but i'm working to make a case of this bug. If you
split this file, the problem is smaller beacause the lost are minor.
Thanks a lot Lluis.
>From: Lluis Sanchez <lluis at ximian.com>
>Reply-To: lluis at ximian.com
>To: Luciano _ <lnc19 at hotmail.com>
>CC: m.j.hutchinson at gmail.com, tompotts at itsosbroadband.co.uk,
>monodevelop-list at lists.ximian.com
>Subject: Re: [MonoDevelop] GTK/Stetic designer 'Bind To Field' Missing
>Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2007 14:54:02 +0100
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>X-OriginalArrivalTime: 01 Mar 2007 13:53:22.0897 (UTC)
>El dj 01 de 03 del 2007 a les 13:18 +0000, en/na Luciano _ va escriure:
> > This is related to this new functionality:
> > Is there a way to stop re-generating all the automatically generated (by
> > stetic) files when they aren't modified?
> > The problem is that if i modify one
> > of the Window that i made with Stetic all the files are re-generated
> > other windows that i made with Stetic to), so they are catch by Source
> > Control AddIn to be commited, and they weren't be modified.
>If a window has not been modified, the generated file should not have
>any modification, so Version Control won't detect is as changed. If the
>generated file actually changes even when there are no modifications in
>the window, that's a bug.
> > The same happen
> > with gui.stetic file, could it be split it? the svn files are harder to
> > administer.
>I may look into splitting the stetic file in the future.
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