[MonoDevelop] compiled project doesnt work under win

Sanford Armstrong sanfordarmstrong at gmail.com
Thu Jun 14 16:30:07 EDT 2007

On 6/12/07, Fabian Richter <ubernapf at googlemail.com> wrote:
> so i installed all i need for it(well i hope i did that) means: .NET
> framework(all available versions i could find by now :() and mono with gtk#
> in one package.

You installed gtk# for Mono, not for .NET in general, so you need to
run your application with the mono runtime by calling `mono
myprogram.exe`.  There is a gtk# for MS.NET installer floating around
on forge.novell.com, I believe, if you prefer to run your
applicationon the MS.NET runtime.

However, you will continue to have the problem that Novell does not
provide gtk# 2.10 for Windows in any easily installable way.

I believe your choices are:
1. Build your own gtk# 2.10 binaries for Windows.
2. Downgrade your gtk# on Linux to 2.8, rebuild, and then bring your
application's binaries over to Windows and they will work with the
Novell-provided gtk# 2.8 binaries.

Hopefully somebody will correct me if I'm missing anything here...


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