[MonoDevelop] Unable to launch monodevelop after installation

Alex Edmé alex.edme at gmail.com
Thu Jul 26 17:03:27 EDT 2007


Is it because those xml files do not know where the assemblies are or it
didn't find the right one? By looking at those xml files, all assemblies or
files is trying to import are there. By doing a 'locate' of one of the
assembly or xml file, i found severals of them:

#the current one, i've been working with you#

should I remove them or it doesn't affect the compiling and the running of
the current monodevelop. If yes, is there any commands that will garantee me
there's any trace of my old monodevelop's installation that can affect what
i'm trying to do. I think the 'make uninstall' and/or 'make clean' in the
right directory, remove most of the files.



On 7/26/07, Lluis Sanchez <lluis at ximian.com> wrote:
> The source of all problems seems to be a problem when getting the list
> of classes of add-in assemblies:
> > Scanning
> > file:
> /home/test/Desktop/monodevelop/build/AddIns/MonoDevelop.SourceEditor.addin.xml
> > Could not load some add-in assemblies: The classes in the module
> > cannot be loaded.
> This error is really strange, I don't know what is causing it. It may be
> a setup problem with Mono, or maybe there is some stale assembly
> somewhere.
> >
> > BTW, by reading your blog 'So many news in MD, so many...', i found
> > out there's mdtool that might help me with my setup.
> > When i tried the command i notice the version of add-ins are not
> > exactly same.  0.15.0 from your command  and 0.14.0 from mdtool
> > output. Will that give you any clues?
> That's because mdtool will show the add-ins from the installed MD
> version. You are running the new MD version from the build directory.
> That should not be a problem.
> Lluis.
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