[MonoDevelop] MD from SVN can not install all addins and applications.

Valentin Sawadski valentin.sawadski at gmx.de
Sun Jul 8 14:15:08 EDT 2007


I've just compiled MD from svn (rev 81588) which worked perfectly fine,
but now I can not run it due to the well known "application not found:
IDE" exception.

So I deleted ~/.config/MonoDevelop and ran mdtool setup reg-build and it
complains that it can not parse several addin.xml files:

WARNING: Could not scan
file: /myPrefix/lib/monodevelop/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Core.Gui.addin.xml
WARNING: Could not scan
file: /myPrefix/lib/monodevelop/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Ide.addin.xml
WARNING: Could not scan
file: /myPrefix/lib/monodevelop/AddIns/MonoDevelop.SourceEditor.addin.xml
WARNING: Could not scan
file: /myPrefix/lib/monodevelop/AddIns/AspNetEdit/AspNetEdit.addin.xml
WARNING: Could not scan
file: /myPrefix/lib/monodevelop/AddIns/BackendBindings/CSharpBinding.addin.xml
WARNING: Could not scan
file: /myPrefix/lib/monodevelop/AddIns/MonoDevelop.DesignerSupport/MonoDevelop.DesignerSupport.addin.xml
WARNING: Could not scan
file: /myPrefix/lib/monodevelop/AddIns/MonoDevelop.GtkCore/MonoDevelop.GtkCore.addin.xml
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.VBBinding,0.14.0' is trying to extend
'/SharpDevelop/Workbench/FileFilter', but there isn't any add-in
defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.ILAsmBinding,0.14.0' is trying to
extend '/SharpDevelop/Workbench/FileFilter', but there isn't any add-in
defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.WelcomePage,0.14.0' is trying to extend
'/MonoDevelop/IDE/StartupHandlers', but there isn't any add-in defining
this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.MonoDeveloperExtensions,0.14.0' is
trying to extend
'/SharpDevelop/Views/ProjectBrowser/ContextMenu/ProjectBrowserNode', but
there isn't any add-in defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.WelcomePage,0.14.0' is trying to extend
'/SharpDevelop/Dialogs/OptionsDialog', but there isn't any add-in
defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.VersionControl.Subversion,0.14.0' is
trying to extend '/MonoDevelop/VersionControl/VersionControlSystems',
but there isn't any add-in defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Autotools,0.14.0' is trying to extend
'/SharpDevelop/Views/ProjectBrowser/ContextMenu/ProjectFileNode/Include', but there isn't any add-in defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.VBBinding,0.14.0' is trying to extend
'/MonoDevelop/ProjectTemplates', but there isn't any add-in defining
this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.ILAsmBinding,0.14.0' is trying to
extend '/MonoDevelop/ProjectTemplates', but there isn't any add-in
defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Autotools,0.14.0' is trying to extend
'/MonoDevelop/DeployService/PackageBuilders', but there isn't any add-in
defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Deployment.Linux,0.14.0' is trying to
extend '/SharpDevelop/Workbench/StockIcons', but there isn't any add-in
defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Autotools,0.14.0' is trying to extend
'/SharpDevelop/Workbench/ProjectOptions/GeneralOptions/Common', but
there isn't any add-in defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Deployment.Linux,0.14.0' is trying to
extend '/MonoDevelop/Workbench/ProjectFeatures', but there isn't any
add-in defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.MonoDeveloperExtensions,0.14.0' is
trying to extend '/Services/NUnit/TestProviders', but there isn't any
add-in defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Autotools,0.14.0' is trying to extend
'/MonoDevelop/DeployService/PackageBuilderEditors', but there isn't any
add-in defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.VBBinding,0.14.0' is trying to extend
'/Workspace/Icons', but there isn't any add-in defining this extension
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Deployment.Linux,0.14.0' is trying to
extend '/MonoDevelop/DeployService/DeployServiceExtensions', but there
isn't any add-in defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Deployment.Linux,0.14.0' is trying to
extend '/SharpDevelop/Commands', but there isn't any add-in defining
this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Autotools,0.14.0' is trying to extend
'/SharpDevelop/Commands', but there isn't any add-in defining this
extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.MonoDeveloperExtensions,0.14.0' is
trying to extend '/SharpDevelop/Commands', but there isn't any add-in
defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.WelcomePage,0.14.0' is trying to extend
'/SharpDevelop/Commands', but there isn't any add-in defining this
extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Prj2Make,0.14.0' is trying to extend
'/SharpDevelop/Workbench/Combine/FileFilter', but there isn't any add-in
defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Deployment.Linux,0.14.0' is trying to
'/SharpDevelop/Workbench/CombineOptions/GeneralOptions/Deployment', but
there isn't any add-in defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.VBBinding,0.14.0' is trying to extend
'/SharpDevelop/Workbench/ProjectOptions/ConfigurationProperties', but
there isn't any add-in defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.MonoDeveloperExtensions,0.14.0' is
trying to extend
'/SharpDevelop/Workbench/ProjectOptions/ConfigurationProperties', but
there isn't any add-in defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.ILAsmBinding,0.14.0' is trying to
extend '/SharpDevelop/Workbench/ProjectOptions/ConfigurationProperties',
but there isn't any add-in defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Deployment.Linux,0.14.0' is trying to
extend '/MonoDevelop/DeployService/DeployDirectoryResolvers', but there
isn't any add-in defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.VBBinding,0.14.0' is trying to extend
'/MonoDevelop/FileTemplates', but there isn't any add-in defining this
extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Deployment.Linux,0.14.0' is trying to
extend '/MonoDevelop/Deployment/DeployDirectories', but there isn't any
add-in defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Deployment.Linux,0.14.0' is trying to
'/SharpDevelop/Workbench/Pads/MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Pads.ProjectPad', but
there isn't any add-in defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Autotools,0.14.0' is trying to extend
'/SharpDevelop/Workbench/Pads/MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Pads.ProjectPad', but
there isn't any add-in defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Autotools,0.14.0' is trying to extend
'/MonoDevelop/DesignerSupport/PropertyProviders', but there isn't any
add-in defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Deployment.Linux,0.14.0' is trying to
extend '/SharpDevelop/Workbench/DisplayBindings', but there isn't any
add-in defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.WelcomePage,0.14.0' is trying to extend
'/SharpDevelop/Workbench/MainMenu/View', but there isn't any add-in
defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.MonoDeveloperExtensions,0.14.0' is
trying to extend '/SharpDevelop/Workbench/ToolBar/Build', but there
isn't any add-in defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Deployment.Linux,0.14.0' is trying to
'/SharpDevelop/Workbench/ProjectOptions/GeneralOptions/Deployment', but
there isn't any add-in defining this extension point
WARNING: The add-in 'MonoDevelop.Autotools,0.14.0' is trying to extend
'/SharpDevelop/Views/ProjectBrowser/ContextMenu/CombineBrowserNode/Tools', but there isn't any add-in defining this extension point

How can I fix this, does this have anything to do that I have two
versions of MD installed (0.14 and svn)?
  (Btw. this is no file access error, the user that I run MD under own
every file and they also belong to the users group at my machine so MD
is able to read them)

Any help will be appreciated and thanks in advance.

Kind Regards,
Valentin S.

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