[MonoDevelop] [patch] profiler - core changes

Ben Motmans ben.motmans at gmail.com
Sun Jul 1 19:31:05 EDT 2007


Before my exams, I started working on the profiler addin, this work is
nearly finished but a bit sidetracked due to my SoC project, but once in a
while I'll code a couple of hours so hopefully, by the end of the summer, it
will be finished.

the included patch includes some changes to MonoDevelop.Core and
MonoDevelop.Ide required for the profiler addin
these are:
* added a ProcessId property to IAsyncOperation: this is required for the
profiler addin, because the mono profiler requires a "kill -PROF <pid>" to
create the profiler memory dump, so we need to keep track of the ProcessId
* the Execute and ExecuteFile methods require an overload with the
additional ExecutionContext parameter, this custom context is required to
launch the solution with the "mono --profile=x ..." instead of the normal
"mono ..."

Is the patch OK to commit ?

-- Ben
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