[MonoDevelop] System.Collection reference

Marek Sieradzki marek.sieradzki at gmail.com
Tue Jan 9 16:26:00 EST 2007

On wto, 2007-01-09 at 23:21 +0200, Balaurul wrote:
> Hy,
>  I am trying to use this code
>  using System.Collections.Generic;
>  but I keep getting a assembly reference error. The problem is that I
> can't find System.Collections when I try to add a reference to the
> project, does anyone know a way out of this ?
You probably didn't set CLR version used by project in settings (it's
1.1 by default). You change this with right clicking in solution pad on
a project and clicking "settings". Most of System.Collections.Generic
classes are in mscorlib.dll that is referenced by default.
Marek Sieradzki <marek.sieradzki at gmail.com>

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