[MonoDevelop] GTK Widget problem

Luciano _ lnc19 at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 8 10:46:10 EST 2007

Hi, I think the same when i start with Gtk# Read this:

// Pasted from 

GTK# has a number of devices to help control the placement of two or more 
widgets within a window. These are called container objects and serve to 
guide layout and placement within a window or another container.

This technique is different from the common method of positioning items 
using the System.Windows.Forms toolkit. One major difference between GTK# 
and System.Windows.Forms is that applications using GTK# do not use absolute 
or fixed coordinates for positioning widgets anywhere as near as much as 
applications using Windows.Forms. Applications using the GTK toolkit create 
the right layout for their interface through layout and packing container 
// End Paste

In my words:
Gtk# have a Fixed Container to work like System.Windows.Forms, but it is not 
the prefer way to do this. You have HBox and VBox that are containers, to 
work with columns and rows, the main advantage is that you can translate 
your application without having problems with the words length.

In response to your question: you have this behavior beacause you put a 
widget (button) in a window, and, it use all the space that can, if you use 
HBox and VBox (or even Table) you can put other widgets to make your User 


>From: "Jim Burnett" <jrbtech at gmail.com>
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>Subject: [MonoDevelop] GTK Widget problem
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>Hey all. I'm new to developing in Monodevelop, not too new to
>Developing in C#. I'm playing with a the GUI editor in Monodevelop and
>for some reason, every button I drag to my window is docking full. I
>don't see a property for docking, any clues?
>Monodevelop-list mailing list
>Monodevelop-list at lists.ximian.com

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