[MonoDevelop] Addin Idea: Deploy as Windows Installer

Pascal Fresnay pascalfresnay at free.fr
Fri Feb 23 04:19:00 EST 2007

Scott Ellington a écrit :
> I just had an idea for an addin:
> A Deployment option for deploying as a Windows Installer.  This would
> wrap the application and all necessary dependencies into a distributable
> setup.exe installer for Windows.
> I don't know how feasible that is.  It may be easier to create a .msi
> file, which is (kind of) an MS standard.  Also, some kinds of installers
> only require scripts I believe.
> thoughts?
> Scott
Instead of creating an msi, monodevelop can generate a wix file, wich is 
a XML document that describe application setup and can be compiled to an 
msi on Windows. Should be more easy to implement in MonoDevelop ;)
Look at http://wix.sourceforge.net/

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