[MonoDevelop] SharpDevelop Editor adapted to Gtk

Michael Hutchinson m.j.hutchinson at gmail.com
Sat Apr 28 14:54:56 EDT 2007

On 4/28/07, Nate Hancock <nchancock at yahoo.com> wrote:
> and I am sure there are other arguments on both sides.  Anyway, what do you
> think? Should I continue to pursue this and try to work it into Monodevelop?

I think it's a great idea. There are several features (e.g. language
parser-driven highlighting) that aren't even possible with
GtkSourceView at the moment. Having direct access to Cairo and Pango
would be nice. IIRC MonoDevelop has interfaces you can implement to
make this available as an alternative code editor, so we could have
both until it's fully stabilised.

Is it a big fork or are you maintaining some code compatibility with
the original?

-- Michael Hutchinson

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