[MonoDevelop] Logo

Salvatore Scarciglia s.scarciglia at hyperphar.com
Tue Sep 26 02:37:38 EDT 2006

On Mon, 25 Sep 2006 20:00:23 +0200
Arjan Hulshoff <arjan.m.hulshoff at zonnet.nl> wrote:

> Still there is no reason to call it dictatorship. I agree that it would 
> have been better to take that statement of the website. It certainly 
> prevents discussions like this.  But the fact that the logo has never 
> been used in an official release is not an argument to keep developing 
> it. Isn't it more important to spend time developing MD to improve it, 
> then keep wasting time on developing a logo? I mean the logo is 
> important, but there are as many different tastes as there are people.

Dear Arjan,
I know that the MD team is really engaged in the development of this wonderful
application, but as Gideon said, also a "commercial" logo is important in
order to "sell" applications. It's not a case that the logo I proposed
remembers the Visual Studio logo. I think that one of the Microsoft success
key is to develop attractive graphics inside its applications.

At the moment, I think that MD logo and website are really poor.

Kind regards,

LAAS --------------------------<|
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