[MonoDevelop] Custom widget library

Piotr Budny vip at pesymista.info
Sat Sep 9 20:06:55 EDT 2006

Dnia sobota, 9 września 2006 19:49, Lluis Sanchez napisał:
> Yes, custom widget properties and events are visible and can be edited
> using the properties pad.

Hm, probably you don't understood me.
I'd like to add new, my own, widget properties handled by my own methods.
For example my widget contains Entry. I'd like to add new property WidgetID 
(which would contain e.g. string) and I'd like to have MaxLen property 
specified maximum length for that Entry (int).
I'd like them to be visible from the Property editor in MainWindow designer 
when I click on that custom widget as showed on the 

The only question is, what to add in *.cs for the widget, that would make MD 
show my very own propertis in the stetic editor.

Piotr Budny

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