[MonoDevelop] ChangeLog add-in patch

Federico Di Gregorio fog at initd.org
Mon Nov 6 07:01:39 EST 2006

Il giorno lun, 06/11/2006 alle 02.30 +0100, Lluis Sanchez ha scritto:
> Now, I'm improving right now the version control add-in and I think it
> would be nice to integrate into it ChangeLog support. My idea is the
> following:
> * Using the Status view the user can see what has changed in a
> directory.
> * In that view, it can select files that have changed and enter comments
> about the change.
> * When clicking on Commit, MD would collect all comments, update the
> changelog file (following the same rules you propose) and commit using
> the same comments as commit message.

I've seen you're working on version control, and that's great because it
is one of the features I am missing. :) Anyway..

I like to add changelog entries while coding to make sure I put in the
file every change and then write a sum-up to use as commit message and I
think that your idea fits both my style and others (like writing
everything just before commit).

So, what would be the better way to implement that? Provide some kind of
changelog service that, passed a set of files and comments update all
ChangeLog files and maybe return a string to be used as commit message?
Or does the version control add-in already provide access to all changed
files and related data (like change notes)?

If you tell me from where to start I'd give it a try.


Federico Di Gregorio                         http://people.initd.org/fog
Debian GNU/Linux Developer                                fog at debian.org
INIT.D Developer                                           fog at initd.org
                             Best friends are often failed lovers. -- Me
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