[MonoDevelop] Problems NUnit MakeFile

Gideon de Swardt gdeswardt1978 at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Jun 22 11:54:32 EDT 2006

Hi All

I am having trouble building monodevelop from SVN trunk. The problem
seems to be with the NUnit AddIn. This addin can not be disabled via the
config settings. I am also aware that there was a bug filed for this
issue, and apparently it was fixed.

The problem seems to be that pkconfig does not pick up the references to
the NUnit dll and is not include the build command line. 

I have also run the following command as specified on the website:

ln -s /usr/lib/pkgconfig/nunit.pc /usr/lib/pkgconfig/mono-nunit.pc

and received the following output

ln: creating symbolic link `/usr/lib/pkgconfig/mono-nunit.pc' to
`/usr/lib/pkgconfig/nunit.pc': File exists

I then executed 

"make clean"

followed by 

"./autogen.sh --enable-aspnet --enable-versioncontrol --enable-java"



I still received an error. Please see output below for more detail.

The work around that I implemented was to hard code the references in
NUnit MakeFile by replacing


with the hard code references

-r:/usr/lib/nunit/nunit.core.dll -r:/usr/lib/nunit/nunit.util.dll

This worked for me and know I am able to compile and test the latest
features. But this means that NUnit compile bug is still not fixed for
Ubuntu (Debian).


Gideon de Swardt

mkdir -p ../../build/AddIns/NUnit
/usr/bin/gmcs  -r:System        -r:System.Xml
-r:../../build/bin/MonoDevelop.C ore.dll
-r:../../build/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Core.Gui.dll  -r:../../build/A
-r:../../build/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Projects.Gui.d ll
-r:../../build/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Components.dll        -r:../../build/A
-r:/usr/lib/pkgconfig/../../lib/mono/gtk-sharp-2 .0/pango-sharp.dll
-r:/usr/lib/pkgconfig/../../lib/mono/gtk-sharp-2.0/atk-sharp. dll
-r:/usr/lib /pkgconfig/../../lib/mono/gtk-sharp-2.0/gtk-sharp.dll
-r:/usr/lib/pkgconfig/../. ./lib/mono/gtk-sharp-2.0/glib-sharp.dll
-r:/usr/lib/pkgconfig/../../lib/ mono/gtk-sharp-2.0/glade-sharp.dll
-r:/usr/lib/pkgconfig/../../lib/mono/gtk-shar p-2.0/pango-sharp.dll
-r:/usr/lib/pkgconfig/../../lib/mono/gtk-sharp-2.0/atk-sha rp.dll
-r:/usr/ lib/pkgconfig/../../lib/mono/gtk-sharp-2.0/gtk-sharp.dll
-r:/usr/lib/pkgconfig/. ./../lib/mono/gtk-sharp-2.0/glib-sharp.dll       /resource:nunit.glade /resource :templates/NUnitAssemblyGroup.xpt.xml /resource:templates/NUnitTestClass.xft.xml  /resource:Gui/NUnit.Running.png /resource:Gui/NUnit.Failed.png /resource:Gui/NU nit.SuccessAndFailed.png /resource:Gui/NUnit.None.png /resource:Gui/NUnit.NotRun .png /resource:Gui/NUnit.Loading.png /resource:Gui/NUnit.Success.png ./AssemblyI nfo.cs ./Commands/NUnitCommands.cs ./Gui/CircleImage.cs ./Gui/TestPad.cs ./Gui/T estResultsPad.cs ./Gui/TestNodeBuilder.cs ./Gui/TestChart.cs ./Gui/NUnitOptionsP anel.cs ./Gui/UnitTestOptionsDialog.cs ./Gui/NUnitAssemblyGroupNodeBuilder.cs ./ Gui/NUnitAssemblyGroupConfigurationNodeBuilder.cs ./Gui/TestAssemblyNodeBuilder. cs ./Project/NUnitAssemblyGroupFileFormat.cs ./Project/NUnitAssemblyGroupProject .cs ./Project/TestAssembly.cs ./Project/TestAssemblyCollection.cs ./Services/Com bineTestGroup.cs ./Services/ITestProvider.cs ./Services/NUnitService.cs ./Servic es/SystemTestProvider.cs ./Services/ITestProgressMonitor.cs ./Services/TestConte xt.cs ./Services/UnitTestCollection.cs ./Services/UnitTest.cs ./Services/UnitTes tGroup.cs ./Services/UnitTestResult.cs ./Services/UnitTestStatus.cs ./Services/E xternalTestRunner.cs ./Services/NUnitAssemblyTestSuite.cs ./Services/NUnitProjec tTestSuite.cs ./Services/NUnitTestCase.cs ./Services/NUnitTestSuite.cs ./Service s/GeneralTestOptions.cs ./Services/NUnitOptions.cs ./Services/IResultsStore.cs . /Services/UnitTestResultsStore.cs ./Services/XmlResultsStore.cs  -out:../../buil d/AddIns/NUnit/MonoDevelop.NUnit.dll -target:library
./Services/NUnitAssemblyTestSuite.cs(39,7): error CS0246: The type or
namespace name `NUnit' could not be found. Are you missing a using
directive or an assembl y reference?
./Services/NUnitAssemblyTestSuite.cs(39,1): error CS0246: The type or
namespace name `NUnit.Core' could not be found. Are you missing a using
directive or an as sembly reference?
./Services/NUnitAssemblyTestSuite.cs(416,32): error CS0246: The type or
namespac e name `IFilter' could not be found. Are you missing a using
directive or an ass embly reference?
./Services/NUnitService.cs(37,7): error CS0246: The type or namespace
name `NUni t' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or
an assembly referenc e?
./Services/NUnitService.cs(37,1): error CS0246: The type or namespace
name `NUni t.Core' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive
or an assembly ref erence?
./Services/ExternalTestRunner.cs(38,7): error CS0246: The type or
namespace name  `NUnit' could not be found. Are you missing a using
directive or an assembly re ference?
./Services/ExternalTestRunner.cs(38,1): error CS0246: The type or
namespace name  `NUnit.Core' could not be found. Are you missing a using
directive or an assemb ly reference?
./Services/ExternalTestRunner.cs(147,46): error CS0246: The type or
namespace na me `EventListener' could not be found. Are you missing a
using directive or an a ssembly reference?
Compilation failed: 8 error(s), 0 warnings
make[2]: *** [../../build/AddIns/NUnit/MonoDevelop.NUnit.dll] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/gdeswardt/Sandbox/monodevelop/Extras'
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

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