[MonoDevelop] Code completion problem

Matej Urbas matej.urbas at gmail.com
Sat Jun 17 08:34:16 EDT 2006


After rereading my previous post' I've noticed that I have not been 
clear enough on the actual problem:

The problem is that the Persistent<Type> helpers try to do the work that 
should be done automatically by an atomic serialization process - let's 
say (de)serializing the entire ParserDatabase with only one call of a 
function - instantly restoring the entire parser database without having 
to do any per-returntype, per-basetype resolves and such. Of course 
every object from the MonoDevelop.Projects.Parser would then have to 
have the [Serializable] attribute (and should possibly define which 
fields to serialize or not - which is not necessary) - but that's not a 
big thing to ask from language binding developers. In fact, it's much 
easier than to ask them to fix a dozen of internal utility classes every 
time when there is to be a new feature added.

Coders would only have to add ONE attribute, while in contrast they now 
have to change a humongous amount of code...

I still think we need a revised infrastructure here...


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