[MonoDevelop] WelcomePageView - the 'Save As...' problem

Pascal Fresnay pascalfresnay at free.fr
Wed Jun 7 04:06:10 EDT 2006

Miguel de Icaza a écrit :
> Hello,
> 	* I also heard that there is a hotkey that provides stub
> 	  implementations for all interfaces listed in the class, but
> 	  I could not find it.
Juste click on interface name, a small inline help menu (a small 
rectangle under the first letter) provides you two commands : "implement 
interface 'foo'" and "explicitly implement inteface 'foo'". Prototypes 
for all methods and properties are generated.
When you type an unaccessible type (missing using), you can find another 
small inline help menu that allows you to insert "using System.Thing" or 
to replace type reference by "System.Thing.Class".
Another very cool feature of Visual Studio is auto-completion of adding 
delegate to event. If you write :
foo.Click += 
press TAB it will generate :
foo.Click += new EventHandler(foo_Click);
press TAB again :
foo.Click += new EventHandler(foo_Click);
private void foo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

It really improves your productivity, I hope it will appear in 
MonoDevelop :)

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