[MonoDevelop] WelcomePageView - the 'Save As...' problem

Miguel de Icaza miguel at ximian.com
Wed Jun 7 00:37:01 EDT 2006


    Welcome to the team Matej.

> Aside from this problem, I have looked into the TODO section, and I must
> say that momentarily I'm especially interested in the C# 2.0 parser.
> Also, I'm willing to improve the way code completion works - there are
> still some issues about code completion in monodevelop that I think
> should be fixed. I would also like to contribute to ASP.NET development
> support in monodevelop and Web Service integration.

    I believe that Lluis has integrated the SharpDevelop support for C#
2.0 parsing, so this might be a done thing.

    But if you are interested in the auto-completion space, a few of the
things that I missed when I moved from Visual Studio 2005 to MonoDevelop
a few weeks ago include:

	* When I declare a new method, an override for example:

		 public override <-- here

	  Visual Studio knows that the method is one of the virtual
	  methods defined in the parent class, so it autocompletes at
	  that point the possible list of methods, and when you select 
	  it, not only it completes the name, it completes the full

	* Properties: the same thing;   When you override a property,
	  or implement an explicit interface, it automatically generates
	  the getter and setter (appropriately).

	* Templates: today MonoDevelop uses the SharpDevelop "macro"
	  kind of templates, when words like "forx" mean "for loop",
	  and they get expanded when you press space.

	  Visual Studio, I believe has a better approach, you basically
	  type "for" and press "tab", and it completes the whole 

	  Once this is implemented, a second feature to add would be the
	  template system, which allows people to move between fields
	  in the template with the tab key.

	* I also heard that there is a hotkey that provides stub
	  implementations for all interfaces listed in the class, but
	  I could not find it.

As for ASP.NET, Michael Hutchinson is working on the editor support for
the Summer of Code project, but there are other things that could be
useful like working on "Add Web Reference" for adding web services.

I also think we should have an "Add Package Reference" to include the
definitions from "pkg-config" in addition to the standard "references"
that we have (and the current dialog that we have).


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