[MonoDevelop] monoDevelop will not start on Mono 1.1.15 on Suse 10

Paul paul at all-the-johnsons.co.uk
Mon Jun 5 17:18:40 EDT 2006


> I have met the requirements of the GTK+ required libraries (2.4+). How
> do I get around this? This is my stacktrace:
> grover at linux:~/bin/mono-1.1.15/bin> ./monodevelop
> QPainter::begin: Cannot paint null pixmap 
> QPainter::end: Missing begin() or begin() failed

QPainter is a Qt class - unless I'm missing something, it's not called
by monodevelop

Not sure about the rest of the stack trace, but it looks like a mono
problem - I have been known to be wrong though...


ich liebe Ashleigh, eins zwei drei 
ich liebe Ashleigh, auf meinem Knee zu hüpfen
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