[MonoDevelop] Still have problems with generics

Matej Urbas matej.urbas at gmail.com
Wed Jul 19 12:25:15 EDT 2006


Ok, since I haven't reported for a long time now (mostly because I was 
constantly unavailable/away from home) I thought it was about time to do so.

Ok, I've been able to convince the ReflectionClass to read the 
GenericParameters from Mono.Cecil and I have confirmed that the info 
about generic parameters really gets processed - this means that a 
generic ReflectionClass really has its generic parameters filled... 
However, I haven't been able to convince PersistentClass to correctly 
serialize generic parameters. For some reason the changes (see attached 
diff) just won't do... when I inspect the info about the class at the 
time when code completion activates, the info about generic parameters 
is magically void - as if it disappeared to nowhere... please help

Oh, and another thing, I've discovered that at serialization some 
classes get written even more than 5 times (by the means of the 
PersistentClass.WriteTo method) - why does this happen?

I really need some advice here.


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