[MonoDevelop] Autotools plugin.

Scott Ellington scottell.lists at gmail.com
Sun Jul 2 15:23:24 EDT 2006

As I said earlier, I already do this to find out which assemblies to
include in the pc file.

I was understanding 'class library' to mean a set of libraries to
include together.  There is no information that I know to denote this.
This is how I understood it.  I guess it could also mean an individual
library (dll), but then I don't see much purpose in having one pc file
for each dll assembly.


On Sun, 2006-07-02 at 19:53 -0300, Rafael Teixeira wrote:
> inline
> On 6/30/06, Scott Ellington <scottell.lists at gmail.com> wrote:
> > hey Miguel,
> >
> > I'm not sure how I would do this.  How would I know which solution is a
> > class library?  In terms of MonoDevelop, creating a solution of type
> > 'Library' just instantiates a base setup.  There is no information held
> > within the solution that specifies that this is what it is.  Maybe Lluis
> > has an idea, or maybe I am missing something.
> You should check the target type in the compile options (that should
> be the same in each configuration).
> :)

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