[MonoDevelop] MonoDevelop code completion not working

Alejandro Serrano trupill at yahoo.es
Mon Jan 16 16:29:07 EST 2006

I'm developing a new version of the Nemerle add-in,to add code completion.
However, to compile it I need gmcs, so I have updated the Mono.Cecil.dll 
assembly in the my ./contrib folder and user CSC=/usr/local/bin/gmcs 
./autogen.sh to create the Makefiles.
Everything seems to work, except code completion when it refers to 
assemblies external to the project. I mean, if I declared a class, I get 
completion for those members. However, I type System.Console. and don't 
get anything. Why does it happen?
I really need using gmcs for the add-in, ad Nemerle standard lib uses 

Thanks in advance,

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