[MonoDevelop] Stetic Tutorial

Rafael Teixeira monoman at gmail.com
Sat Dec 2 17:50:50 EST 2006

I think Lluis did that so that you don't pollute your code with many
unneeded variables, but partial classes may hide this bloat.


On 12/2/06, Piotr Budny <vip at pesymista.info> wrote:
> Dnia sobota, 2 grudnia 2006 16:24, Miguel de Icaza napisał:
> > Questions that come up frequently:
> >
> >       * The need to use [Bind to Field]
> For me it was first bigger problem when coding with monodevelop. Why I need to
> push that button when I want to use widgets in my code?
> Couldn't MD detect when using button/input/widget name in source and
> automatically do the "binding"?
> That "frequent question" would automatically dissapear.
> Best regards,
> Piotr Budny
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Rafael "Monoman" Teixeira
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man." George Bernard Shaw

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