[MonoDevelop] Refactoring menu

Paulo Aboim Pinto esqueleto at tusofona.com
Sat Dec 2 04:58:48 EST 2006

> Yes, I know of those features and would LOVE to have them in
> MonoDevelop, but I do not have that much time I am afraid. So I start
> out in the small and then we can build on other refactorings over
> time. Maybe you want to help out? :-)

Of course I can help. Right now I don't have too much time, because I
have some project that I have to deliver. I can help giving input and
maybe developing some documentation, white papers, etc.
Giving help with developing will not a good thought because I will need
too much atention from someone to explain things.

Until now I use Linux as Desktop Station, now I using too as Develop Box
and that's because I giving this many inputs in the last weeks.

Other thing. I don't have yet the methodology of work that you have. I
don't know how can I debug easy the application because I don't
dominate the platform (MonoDevelop) to use and the Code Behind.
I will take too much time to be productive.

But responding to your question, in the first release, I think that the
minimum features should be:

* Find symbol (symbol will be parameter, property, class, etc) in both
	* Find the declaration of the Symbol
	* Find all the references of a Symbol (every time in the solution that
this symbol is use).
* Rename Symbol. This feature should be able to show a list is finding
and ask Rename All or Rename Next
* Extract Method. Extract some selected code and promete it to a
separate method. 

All other feature can be for next releases.

hope this could me a better response for your question.

PS: You can find me in the #Mono and #MonoDevelop to ask me for some
work. My limitations, you know. Drop a message and when came on-line I
answer that.

Paulo Aboim Pinto (Esqueleto)
Odivelas - Portugal

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