[MonoDevelop] Web References AddIn Alpha Release

Gideon de Swardt gdeswardt1978 at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Aug 9 16:59:01 EDT 2006

Hi All

Please find attached the alpha release of the Web References AddIn. It
supports the functionality to add, delete and update web references into
any dot net project. Please play with this AddIn and let me know what
you think, bugs that you found, enhancement suggestions etc.

Here is a list of things that still needs to be done:

      * Add SSL support for the Browser control in the Add Web Reference
      * Refresh the "Web References" node when a web reference has been
      * Add a ProjectReference for System.Web.Services to the project if
        it does not currently contain a reference. This is required to
        successfully compile the project.
      * Check that the project options for the Runtime Version is set to
        "2.0", if it is set to "1.1" ask the user whether or not to
        switch to "2.0" automatically. The project build will fail if
        the Runtime is set to 1.1. Do not add the web reference if the
        user chooses to keep the runtime version 1.1.
      * Allow Web Reference items to be renamed once it has been
      * Add copy, cut and paste functionality (clipboard) to copy/move
        web references to any other project.


Gideon de Swardt

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