[MonoDevelop] Stetic add-in and treeview widget event question

Paddy Joy mono at paddyjoy.com
Sat Apr 8 22:04:20 EDT 2006

Sorry I attached the wrong code that time!


> Hi,
> I have recently started playing with the new monodevelop stetic 
> add-in, I'm very impressed, well done everyone!
> Just as a simple test what I am trying to do is add a treeview to my 
> main window and then when a user clicks on a treeview item I want to 
> take an action. So far my event handlers work ok for the 
> KeyReleaseEvent but don't work for the ButtonPressEvent. These are the 
> exact steps I'm doing in monodevelop:
> 1.      Create new gtk# project
> 2.      Double click to open MainWindow in gui editor
> 3.      Add treeview to main window
> 4.      Click on signals tab
> 5.      Under Common Widget Signals double click on KeyReleaseEvent to 
> add event handler
> 6.      Under Common Widget Signals double click on ButtonPressEvent 
> to add event handler
> 7.      Click on source tab to see code for MainWindow.cs
> 8.      Add Console.WriteLine()'s to both handlers
> 9.      Add some code to populate the treeview
>        TreeView                treeview1;
> :
> :
> :
> :
>        Gtk.ListStore musicListStore = new Gtk.ListStore (typeof 
> (Gdk.Pixbuf),
>                        typeof (string),  typeof (string));
>                treeview1.AppendColumn ("Icon", new 
> Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf (), "pixbuf", 0);
>                treeview1.AppendColumn ("Artist", new 
> Gtk.CellRendererText (), "text", 1);
>                treeview1.AppendColumn ("Title", new 
> Gtk.CellRendererText (), "text", 2);
>                musicListStore.AppendValues (new Gdk.Pixbuf 
> ("TreeViewRupertIcon.png"),
>                        "Rupert", "Yellow bananas");
>                treeview1.Model = musicListStore;
> 10.     Compile and run project
> 11.     Click on treeview item then press a key, text writen to 
> console as expected
> 12.     Click on item, no text writen to console
> It seems like my ButtonPressEvent handler is never being called. Am I 
> doing something wrong here? I have attached some relevant code.
> Thanks,
> Paddy

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <widget class="Gtk.Window" id="MainWindow" design-size="400 300">
    <property name="Title" translatable="yes">MainWindow</property>
    <property name="WindowPosition">CenterOnParent</property>
    <property name="Visible">True</property>
    <property name="Events">0</property>
    <signal name="DeleteEvent" handler="OnDeleteEvent" />
      <widget class="Gtk.TreeView" id="treeview1">
        <property name="Visible">True</property>
        <property name="CanFocus">True</property>
        <property name="Events">0</property>
        <signal name="RowActivated" handler="OnTreeview1RowActivated" />
        <signal name="ButtonPressEvent" handler="ButtonPressEvent" />
        <signal name="KeyReleaseEvent" handler="KeyReleaseHandler" />

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