[MonoDevelop] Assembly reference or language binding problem?

Seungchan Oh seungchan.oh at gmail.com
Tue Apr 4 15:34:49 EDT 2006

 Dear, all.

After struggling couple of days I'm able to start monodevelop finally. ;-)
However I can't use editor of monodevelop.  Following is part of example

using System;
using Gtk;

public class GtkHellowWorld {

       public static void Main() {

After last line I can't put new line. Even I press enter(return) key,
cursor doesn't move to next line, and line number is messed up.
There is another suspicious action. When I type "using Gtk", small
window pops up and shows only two entry - Microsoft and System.

I'm verry new to C# and Monodevelop envrionment.

Any comments will be appeciated.


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