[MonoDevelop] Unable to start Monodevelop

Paul F. Johnson paul at all-the-johnsons.co.uk
Tue Sep 27 08:23:00 EDT 2005


I've built monodevelop from source using the developer version of Mono
(which may explain the problem, but I'm not sure). If I start
monodevelop up from the command line, I get the following throwback

no implementation for interface method
MonoDevelop.Internal.Project.ILanguageBinding::CreateCompilationParameters(XmlElement) in class BooBinding.BooLanguageBinding
METHOD .ctor()
METHOD .cctor()
METHOD get_Language()
METHOD CanCompile(string)
METHOD GenerateMakefile(Project,Combine)
METHOD CreateCompilationParameters(XmlElement)
METHOD get_CommentTag()
METHOD ___initializer()

This occurs when trying to run the plugin API (according to the text on
the progress bar). I can reproduce this on two different machines.

I'm using FC4 rawhide.


"Logic, my dear Zoe, is merely the ability to be wrong with authority" -
Dr Who

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