[MonoDevelop] Cross platform build strategy

Lluis Sanchez lluis at ximian.com
Tue May 31 16:12:03 EDT 2005


As Todd said, the code in Extras/MonoDeveloperExtensions is a good
starting point. Basically, you need to create a class that implements
IFileFormat. This class will be in charge of building a Project instance
from the NAnt build file.

In fact, some time ago I started writing such file format as a proof of
concept. I never finished it (it only supports writing, not reading),
but it can give you some clues. I'm attaching it to the mail.

You need to create a Project subclass (a NAntProject) only if you want
to override the Build and Run commands (for example, if you want the
build command to actually execute a target of the build file).

You don't need a Project subclass if you want to use the NAnt file just
as a file format (in this case, MD will use its internal build system
for building the project). However, right now there is no GUI for
setting the file format of a project, that's something that should also
be done.

BTW, all this can be done for solutions (combines) as well as for


El dt 31 de 05 del 2005 a les 14:05 -0500, en/na Jayme va escriure:
> Thanks for the tip Todd - can I ask if you have any shortcut hints on
> where I should start in the source branch to look for finding an
> existing "Project" base class and / or the accompanying configuration
> I need to set to make this class I would write integrate with the IDE?
> I don't expect a document that explains all of this since the code is
> all there, but finding where the configuration of which of these
> project loaders is available might help. Perhaps you do it through
> reflection of MD's bin folder and it's simpler than I am thinking.
> -Jayme

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