[MonoDevelop] Code Navigation

Pieter Baele pieter.baele@telenet.be
Wed, 11 May 2005 09:48:53 +0200

Op wo, 11-05-2005 te 09:30 +0200, schreef Jacob Ilsų Christensen:
> Hi.
> What I wanted was an easy way to jump directly to a class. So I want
> some window where you type in the name of the class (possibly with
> some kind of completion) and then you jump to that class. Also if you
> have some code like:
> ClassA a;
> If you position your cursor on ClassA and hit some shortcut key, you
> will jump directly to the class definition of ClassA. This would go
> for methods etc. too. Is this something we want MD to do or can MD
> already do this?
You mean something like Taglist (:Tlist) for gvim?