[MonoDevelop] startup problem

Tarun R ratarun at gmail.com
Wed Jun 22 05:25:14 EDT 2005

I am a new user, so a little indulgence please...
I got monodevelop rpm from mono download site and when I ran it, it gave the 
following error:

Unhandled Exception: System.TypeInitializationException: An exception
was thrown by the type initializer for
MonoDevelop.Gui.Dialogs.SplashScreenForm --->
System.TypeInitializationException: An exception was thrown by the
type initializer for Gtk.Container --->
in (wrapper managed-to-native)
Gtk.Container:gtksharp_gtk_container_get_focus_child_offset ()
in <0x0000a> Gtk.Container:.cctor ()--- End of inner exception stack trace ---

in <0x00000> <unknown method>
in <0x0000e> Gtk.Bin:.ctor (IntPtr raw)
in <0x0002f> Gtk.Window:.ctor (WindowType type)
in <0x00025> MonoDevelop.Gui.Dialogs.SplashScreenForm:.ctor ()
in <0x00016> MonoDevelop.Gui.Dialogs.SplashScreenForm:.cctor ()--- End
of inner exception stack trace ---

in <0x00000> <unknown method>
in <0x004e8> MonoDevelop.SharpDevelopMain:Main (System.String[] args)
ra:~/mono/mono-1.1 # ldconfig
ra:~/mono/mono-1.1 # monodevelop

Unhandled Exception: System.TypeInitializationException: An exception
was thrown by the type initializer for
MonoDevelop.Gui.Dialogs.SplashScreenForm --->
System.TypeInitializationException: An exception was thrown by the
type initializer for Gtk.Container --->
in (wrapper managed-to-native)
Gtk.Container:gtksharp_gtk_container_get_focus_child_offset ()
in <0x0000a> Gtk.Container:.cctor ()--- End of inner exception stack trace ---

in <0x00000> <unknown method>
in <0x0000e> Gtk.Bin:.ctor (IntPtr raw)
in <0x0002f> Gtk.Window:.ctor (WindowType type)
in <0x00025> MonoDevelop.Gui.Dialogs.SplashScreenForm:.ctor ()
in <0x00016> MonoDevelop.Gui.Dialogs.SplashScreenForm:.cctor ()--- End
of inner exception stack trace ---

in <0x00000> <unknown method>
in <0x004e8> MonoDevelop.SharpDevelopMain:Main (System.String[] args)

All I know is that it is related to Gtk. Any help will be very
helpful. Thanks...
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