[MonoDevelop] Looking for the ProjectBrowserView

Lluis Sanchez lluis at ximian.com
Wed Jun 22 04:27:40 EDT 2005

This section of the article was outdated since the command system has
changed. I just updated it.


El dt 21 de 06 del 2005 a les 20:08 -0400, en/na Joshua Tauberer va
> Lluis Sanchez wrote:
> > ProjectBrowserView has been replaced by ProjectPad.
> > More info here:
> > http://deobald.glcn.com/wiki/index.php/Walk_through:_Extending_the_Project_Pad
> Ah, that's really great, thanks.
> In trying to add a context menu item to the ProjectFileNode, I'm getting 
> an InvalidCastException in 
> MonoDevelop.Services.CommandService:CreateCommandEntrySet.  I have:
> <Extension path = 
> "/SharpDevelop/Views/ProjectBrowser/ContextMenu/ProjectFileNode">
>     <MenuItem id = "UpdateMenu" _label = "Update"
>             class = "VersionControlPlugin.UpdateMenu"/>
> And my UpdateMenu class extends AbstractMenuCommand.
> But when CreateCommandEntrySet loops through the array of what I think 
> should be the context menu items, rather than getting a CommandEntry 
> object, it's getting a SdMenuCommand object.  I don't know what any of 
> these things do, so I'm lost.
> I may not get a chance to finish this for a long while now, though.  Ah 
> well, it was fun to tinker with.

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