[MonoDevelop] Writing addins

David Makovský yakeen at sannyas-on.net
Wed Jun 15 15:22:50 EDT 2005

Hallo all,
I've tried helloworld addin as is described in Wiki and when loading
MonoDevelop I'm getting this error:

System.InvalidOperationException: Invalid ItemSet child:
in <0x00143> MonoDevelop.Core.AddIns.Codons.ItemSetCodon:BuildItem
(System.Object owner, System.Collections.ArrayList subItems,
MonoDevelop.Core.AddIns.Conditions.ConditionCollection conditions)
in <0x0014f>
(System.Object caller)
in <0x00070> MonoDevelop.Services.CommandService:CreateCommandEntrySet
(System.String addinPath)
in <0x00013> MonoDevelop.Services.CommandService:CreateMenuBar
(System.String addinPath)
in <0x0020c> MonoDevelop.Gui.DefaultWorkbench:InitializeWorkspace ()
in <0x0002d> MonoDevelop.Commands.InitializeWorkbenchCommand:Run ()
in <0x007ac> MonoDevelop.SharpDevelopMain:Main (System.String[] args)

Is this tutorial obsolete? I'm trying to port a simple addin from SD and
getting the same result.
Can someone point me to solution, helloworld source bellow..


using MonoDevelop.Core.AddIns.Codons;
namespace MonoDevelop.Commands {
        public class MyHelloWorldCommand : AbstractMenuCommand {
                public override void Run () {
                        System.Console.WriteLine ("Hello World");

<AddIn name      = "MonoDevelop Hello World"
       author    = "Oyvind Neuman"
       copyright = "GPL"
       url       = "http://projectgo.com/monodevelop"
       description = "An example addin"
       version   = "0.1">

                <Import assembly="HelloWorldAddIn.dll"/>

        <Extension path="/SharpDevelop/Workbench/MainMenu/Help">
        <MenuItem id = "HelloWorld" insertafter="Separator2"
                _label = "Hello World" description="Write hello world to
                class="MonoDevelop.Commands.MyHelloWorldCommand" />
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