[MonoDevelop] problem with ModMono.dll

narendra magare narendra_m at iitb.ac.in
Fri Jul 15 04:37:48 EDT 2005

hi all
      i am trying to run asp pages on apache server on fedora 3
 up to installation of mod_mono it gona well but in next step ie
 to install ModMono.dll i go to mod_mono/src and type command ' make -f
makedll.mak',but it showed me error like
make: makedll.mak: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target `makedll.mak'.  Stop.
 there is no ModMono.cs in src directory(i am installing all packages from
latest source from www.go-mono.com,apache from apache website )

 any suggestion !

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