[MonoDevelop] Adding custom references in MonoDevelop

Marc DM m at phronein.com
Mon Jul 4 09:14:40 EDT 2005

>From the IDE, when you have a project/solution open, make sure
"Solution" is selected under the view menu. 

>From the Solution view, you should have a "References" entry after the
project name. 

Right click References, select "Edit References" - Once you get there
it's pretty straight-forward

The window that comes up, allows you to choose from libraries stored in
your Global Assembly Cache, libraries stored elsewhere on disk, or

Hope This Helps

Marc DM

On Mon, 2005-07-04 at 11:52 +0530, Tarun R wrote:

> Suppose I have additional libraries, packages or resources to include
> in a C# application.
> In the terminal I give mcs *.cs -r:something -pkg:something_else
> -resource:window.glade
> How can I give all these additional resources, packages to be included
> without leaving the MonoDevelop IDE.
> Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
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