[MonoDevelop] Gtk or Winforms?

Jose Cornado Jose Cornado <jose.cornado@gmail.com>
Tue, 11 Jan 2005 09:36:54 -0600


We thought of targeting Gtk first but input is always needed and welcome.

We tried Winforms on mono a while back and got several out-of-memory
errors. We decided to delay the Gui logic development on mono for a

I have been asked if our product  follows the capture-and-replay paradigm.

No. It is a totally new architecture that does not rely on input
devices. Thus, it does not miss a click :-}

It can test gui logic on and off the screen as well as strict api
logic with a minimal effort during test creation and guaranteed free
test execution (since it is part of the IDE build process)

The "workstation" version works as an unobtrusive add-in to VS/MD

We have a server version that is an early prototype.

Thanks a lot for your input,


On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 15:15:27 +0000, Alexandre Gomes
<alexmipego@hotmail.com> wrote:
> The answer is not difficult. You should target Gtk. While winforms
> performs best at windows, gtk its the best choice to Linux. There is
> also another advantage. If you do not use gtk widgets not yet ported to
> windows, your application can run both at Windows and Linux. Also, as
> mono runs in many OS you can ship it as well in Mac OSX as others - just
> check www.mono-project.com for all supported systems.
> To finish I just want to add that Windows.Forms are in a development
> stage. While we expect them to work just fine, at this time they are not
> usable yet :(
> Hope that helps.
> On Mon, 2005-01-10 at 13:14 -0600, Jose Cornado wrote:
> > Guys:
> >
> > I wanted to ask you whichof these two should come first in our
> > MonoDevelop efforts.
> >
> > We have what we call a "universal testing engine" : it is language and
> > device independent. It combines the functionality of J/Nunit and say
> > WinRunner or QA Partner but without the clumsiness and drawbacks of
> > any of them.
> >
> > Our .Net product works in VS Studio and obviously supports WinForms.
> >
> > We are in the process of adding MonoDevelop to the mix.
> >
> > In mono on the other hand, we could target Gtk or WinForms.
> >
> > In your opinion, which should we target first: Gtk or WinForms?
> >
> > Thanks a lot for you input,
> >
> > Jos=E9
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> --
> Alexandre Miguel Pedro Gomes,
> Portugal