[MonoDevelop] Launching MD from File

C.J. Collier cjcollier at colliertech.org
Fri Dec 2 14:55:35 EST 2005

Hash: SHA1


I asked about this on #gnome-hackers (log below).  Looks like a bug in
gnome-vfs is causing it.  I'll look into it, but I've got a day job,
so I suggest that you do the same.



- ------

11:01 < cj> how do I tell nautilus to launch .mdp and .mds files with
11:02 -!- rahga [~rahga at rrcs-24-173-220-30.sw.biz.rr.com] has joined
11:03 <@sri> cj: right click -> properties -> openwith tab
11:05 < cj> sri: does that set a configuration option that allows you
tou double-click on it with the same results in the future?
11:05 < cj> sri: That's the functionality I'm looking for...
11:05 < cj> sorry for not being more specific
11:06 <@sri> cj: yes.
11:06 <@sri> cj: it sets based on mime type I believe.
11:06 < cj> is there somewhere I can set the opening application based
on extension?
11:07 < cj> it doesn't seem to be working for me...
11:07 < cj> I r-clicked, properties, openwith monodevelop, but it
didn't changing the application that opens it.
11:07 <@sri> no, because nautilus sniffs the contents of the file in
order to figure out the mime type
11:07 < cj> so it's an xml file...  can I put a magic definition
somewhere so it can detect monodevelop project files easier?
11:08 <@sri> um..
11:08 <@sri> cj: I'm not sure.
11:08 <@sri> cj: why doesn't the current method not work for you?
11:09 < cj> sri: I want to double-click on the icon to open it.
11:09 <@sri> cj: it might fall back on extension
11:09 < cj> currently I have to r-click... blah blah
11:09 -!- Benoit [~bdejean at gam64-1-82-243-192-48.fbx.proxad.net] has
joined #gnome-hackers
11:09 -!- KaL [~KaL at 142.red-82-159-34.user.auna.net] has quit [Solo
los peces muertos siguen la corriente del rio]
11:09  * sri creates a monodevelop file and finds out.
11:09 < cj> sri: where is that extension mapping kept?
11:10 <@sri> not sure.
11:10 <@sri> probably in /usr/share/
11:11 <@sri> cj: you might want to ask gicmo he might know.
11:11 < cj> alrighty.  Thanks
11:11  * gicmo spawns
11:11 < cj> sri: thanks, gicmo: ping?
11:11 < cj> howdy!
11:11 < gicmo> ;)
11:11 < gicmo> sup dude?
11:11 <@sri> cj: /usr/share/mimei-info?
11:11 < cj> wow.  negative latency :)
11:11  * gicmo scrools up
11:11 -!- thomasvs [~thomas at core.fluendo.com] has quit [Remote closed
the connection]
11:11 < cj> gicmo: mime, extension -> application mapping
11:12 < cj> I want to double-click on .mdp and .mds files and spawn
11:12 < cj> they're XML
11:12 < gicmo> cj, does gnomevfs-info show them as own types?
11:12  * cj checks...
11:13 < cj> what is gnomevfs-info? :)
11:13 < gicmo> cj, command line tool
11:13 < gicmo> cj, wait, i'll check myself
11:13 <@sri>  cj : use it iwth a uri
11:14 < gicmo> sri, we are using gnome_vfs_make_uri_from_shell_arg ()
so it must not even be a uri nowadays :P
11:14 <@sri> gicmo: the usage says uri :P
11:14 < gicmo> sri, yeah, if I could suck less it woudnt
11:14 <@sri> hehe
11:15 <@sri> gicmo: whats up wiht bugzilla, there doesn't seem much
bugs against gnome-vfs.
11:15 < cj> it keeps telling me "File not found" :)
11:15  * sri was tryign to do contribute something last night.
11:15 < cj> I passed it a file://... and the filename
11:15 <@sri> +some
11:15 <@sri> just give it the filename
11:15 < cj> $ gnomevfs-info /home/cjcollier/svn/mdlview/MdlView.mds
11:15 < cj> Error: File not found
11:15 < gicmo> argl .. there goes another bug in the mime shit aehh stuff
11:16 <@sri> hehe
11:16 < gicmo> gicmo at picco ~/Projects/foo % gnomevfs-info foo.mds
11:16 < gicmo>  | MIME type         : application/x-mds
11:16 < gicmo>  | Default app       : monodevelop.desktop
11:16 < gicmo> BUT
11:16 < gicmo> gicmo at picco ~/Projects/foo % gnomevfs-info -s foo.mds
11:16 < gicmo> Name              : foo.mds
11:16 < gicmo> Type              : Regular
11:16 < gicmo> MIME type         : text/plain
11:16 < gicmo> Default app       : gedit.desktop
11:16 < gicmo> ;/
11:16 <@sri> sucks.
11:16 < cj> uhm.  sorry.  it said file not found because.. uhm... I
gave it the
wrong filename :)
11:17 <@sri> where do we keep the per user mime stuff?
11:17 < gicmo> so slow mime typing says it's text/plain
11:17 <@sri> does -s mean slow or sniff? :)
11:17 < gicmo> sri, yes and yes .. those are equally the same ..
11:17 < gicmo> :)
11:18 < gicmo> (officially its sniffing of course :)
11:18 <@sri> right. :)
11:18 < cj> mine doesn't like -s
11:18 -!- fab [~bellet at bellet.info] has joined #gnome-hackers
11:18 < gicmo> cj, then you have an old version :/
11:18 < cj> gicmo: I believe that.
11:19 -!- Gazer [~gazer at mail.aktiv-assekuranz.com] has quit [Abandonando]
11:19 < gicmo> or maybe I added it to head, *shurg*, I am never sure
what gnome-vfs stuff I am running :P
11:19 < cj> alright.  so I assume that I need to change the slow
info.  what's the difference between the regular and slow?  They pull
from different mime mapping databases?
11:19 <@sri> gicmo: you've added it to head.
11:19 -!- svu [~svu at host-194-46-227-9.dsl-ie.utvinternet.net] has
joined #gnome-hackers
11:19 <@sri> gicmo: it's not in hoary
11:19 < gicmo> soooo well, cj, you found a bug in gnome-vfs' mime
handling, you
have also won the chance to fix it yourself ;/
11:19 < gicmo> ;)
11:20 < cj> what package is it in in svn?
11:20 < gicmo> (I have a look at it)
11:20 <@sri> svn/
11:20 < gicmo> ha haha ha ha hah aha
11:20 < gicmo> svn
11:20 < cj> gicmo: righty-o.  :)
11:20  * gicmo cries
11:20 < cj> oh.  gnome cvs?
11:20 <@sri> it's still cvs mr.
11:20 < gicmo> yeah I am afraid cvs :/
11:20 < cj> how do I get r/w access to cvs?  cvsmaster@ ?
11:20 <@sri> see, we've never bottomed out on the whole VCS thing.
11:20 < cj> and what's the package name?
11:20 < cj> gnome-vfs?
11:21 <@sri> yes.
11:21 < gicmo> and yes
11:21 <@sri> and you have to mail accounts at gnome.org for a cvs account.
11:21 < ebassi|afk> cj: the slow version should sniff the file
contents, while the regular version should only check for the
extension and sniffing only for known container types
11:21 -!- ebassi|afk is now known as ebassi
11:21 -!- Uraeus [~cschalle at core.fluendo.com] has quit [Leaving]
11:21 < cj> ebassi: thanks
11:21 < gicmo> so acutally it also could be problem in the mime
database itself
11:22 < ebassi> gicmo: it seems that the .mcs files are not recognized
by the shared-mime-info
11:22 < ebassi> gicmo: database that you have
11:22 <@sri> right, I checked a bit ago, and I don't think I sawa it.
11:22 < gicmo> ebassi, well they are
11:22 < gicmo> ebassi, but they dont seem to have the super/sub typing
info set
right I guess
11:22 < gicmo> that could also be
11:23 < gicmo> because we sniff, we get a different mime/type and then
we check
for parent types against the extensions ..
11:23 < ebassi> gicmo: then the bug is in the shared-mime-info
stuff... uhm, bug fd.o people or manny :-)
11:23 < gicmo> but if that is not there we use the sniff info

Abe Gillespie wrote:
> How does one go about registering the .mdp and .mds files such that
>  they launch MD when they're double-clicked in File Browser.
> I'm running Ubuntu 5.10.
> Thanks! -Abe _______________________________________________
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- --
<cjcollier at colliertech.org>
+1 206 226 5809
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