[MonoDevelop] More on assembly reorganization

Todd Berman tberman at off.net
Sat Aug 27 18:27:33 EDT 2005

On Fri, 2005-08-26 at 16:43 -0400, John Luke wrote:
> Hey,
> On Fri, 2005-08-26 at 20:22 +0200, Lluis Sanchez wrote:
> > Taking into account this goals, I came up with the following assemblies:
> >       * MonoDevelop.Projects: Everything related to Combine, Project,
> >         language bindings, and so on. Depends on MonoDevelop.Core. 
> >       * MonoDevelop.Projects.Gui: Some GUI classes for displaying
> >       * project related information. Depends on MonoDevelop.Projects,
> >         and MonoDevelop.Core.*. 
> Maybe the completion stuff belongs in the IDE or Core instead of
> MonoDevelop.Projects.Gui? Everything else seemed sane at a glance.

The completion stuff requires IProject and other interfaces, in order to
properly perform a lookup. I believe (but am not sure) that is why it is
in Project.Gui instead of Ide.Gui.


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