[MonoDevelop] SQL Query Editor in MonoQuery

Daniel Morgan monodanmorg at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 22 12:47:07 EDT 2005

Can we add support for executing a batch of SQL scripts but one statement at a time?
If I have 5 SQL statements on their own lines and each statement is separated by a semicolon, and I click Execute Script from Beginning, MonoQuery executes the 5 SQL statements one-at-atime.
If the query fails on the 3rd SQL statement:
1. move the cursor to the end of the 3rd SQL statement
2. log the error message
3. display the error message in the status bar
4. only display a message box with the error message if a user preference allows it to do so.   Default, do not show the message box.
Once the user fixes the SQL statement and the cursor is within the 3rd SQL statement, then click Execute Script at Cursor which starts executing the SQL statements starting with the 3rd SQL statement because that is where the cursor is located.  It finishes successfully.  The log notes each SQL statement that completed.
Some things I do not like:
1. programs that always pop up error messages
2. when a SQL Error occurs, the program continues executing - 
    Especially if your SQL depends on the previous SQL statement succeeding.  
3. If you're exectuing a batch,
    it is not easily to tell which SQL statement caused the error
4. everytime you execute a SQL statement or a batch of SQL statements, 
    the log is cleared.  I think there should be a user preference whether or not 
    they want to clear it everytime.  Also, allow the user to clear it the log via a menu item
Also, I would like the ability to only execute a single SQL statement that is located at the cursor.   If there are 5 SQL statements and the cursor is in the 3rd SQL statement, if I click Execute Single Statement at Cursor, then execute the 3rd SQL statement.
Allow the statement separator to be a user preference:
1. semicolon
2. slash
3. GO
What do you think?

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