[MonoDevelop] Re: pot file to start Italian translation of Monodevelop

Enver ALTIN ealtin@parkyeri.com
Mon, 18 Apr 2005 08:31:56 +0300

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On Wed, 2005-04-13 at 20:29 +0200, Alberto Paro wrote:
> I have taken the french traslation and I clear it to use for base for
> italian stralation. I'm stating traslating po. I use poedit. It's a
> work in progress, I've traslated about 50% ot it.

You're doing something risky over here. French translation may not be so
up-to-date, clearing it up and translating it to some other language
would result in a not-so-up-to-date but new translation.

What you should probably do is to only configure MonoDevelop from source
(you don't have to build it actually, you'll only need Makefiles), and
under the po/ folder, do:

        make update-po

If you want to see your translation live and let MD use it, you'd need
to modify ALL_LINGUAS in file "Makefile.in" and add your language there.

Wonders of GTP :)

..O   Enver ALTIN                   |   http://skyblue.gen.tr/
OOO   Software developer @ Parkyeri | http://www.parkyeri.com/

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