[MonoDevelop] Fwd: Installing MonoDevelop / Winforms to OS X
b a r t o n
Sun, 10 Apr 2005 05:31:58 -0700
I am reposting this as I did not see any responses and am wondering if
anyone is aware of how to address this issue.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: b a r t o n <barton.friedland@gmail.com>
Date: Mar 27, 2005 3:02 PM
Subject: Installing MonoDevelop / Winforms to OS X
To: monodevelop-list@lists.ximian.com
Begin forwarded message:
> From: b a r t o n <bjf@acm.org>
> Date: March 27, 2005 1:41:07 PM PST
> To: monodevelop-list@lists.ximian.com
> Subject: Installing MonoDevelop / Winforms to OS X
> Please excuse me if this information is already available elsewhere,
> however, I am having difficulty installing the prerequisites for GTK#;
> specifically, when I run "fink install bundle-gnome gtkhtml3
> gtkhtml3-dev gtkhtml3-shlibs" I get the following error on the
> xml-parser:
> make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 2
> ### execution of make failed, exit code 2
> Removing build lock...
> dpkg -r fink-buildlock-xml-parser-pm581-2.34-13
> (Reading database ... 19983 files and directories currently installed.)
> Removing fink-buildlock-xml-parser-pm581-2.34-13 ...
> Failed: phase compiling: xml-parser-pm581-2.34-13 failed
> Before reporting any errors, please run "fink selfupdate" and
> try again. If you continue to have issues, please check to see if the
> FAQ on fink's website solves the problem. If not, ask on the
> fink-users
> or fink-beginners mailing lists. As a last resort, you can try
> e-mailing
> the maintainer directly:
> Christian Schaffner <chris01@users.sourceforge.net>
> ---
> t/parament........ok 1/12
> 501 Protocol scheme 'file' is not supported
> file:///sw/src/xml-parser-pm581-2.34-13/XML-Parser-2.34/t/foo.dtd
> Handler couldn't resolve external entity at line 8, column 0, byte 173
> error in processing external entity reference at line 8, column 0,
> byte 173:
> <!ENTITY more SYSTEM "t/ext2.ent">
> ]
> >
> ^
> <foo>Happy, happy
> <bar>&joy;, &joy;</bar>
> at
> /sw/src/xml-parser-pm581-2.34-13/XML-Parser-2.34/blib/lib/XML/
> Parser.pm line 187
> t/parament........dubious
> Test returned status 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
> DIED. FAILED tests 2-12
> Failed 11/12 tests, 8.33% okay
> t/partial.........ok
> t/skip............ok
> t/stream..........ok
> t/styles..........ok
> Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail Failed List of Failed
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------
> t/external_ent.t 255 65280 5 8 160.00% 2-5
> t/parament.t 255 65280 12 22 183.33% 2-12
> Failed 2/14 test scripts, 85.71% okay. 15/130 subtests failed, 88.46%
> okay.
> make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 2
> ### execution of make failed, exit code 2
> Removing build lock...
> dpkg -r fink-buildlock-xml-parser-pm581-2.34-13
> (Reading database ... 25174 files and directories currently installed.)
> Removing fink-buildlock-xml-parser-pm581-2.34-13 ...
> Failed: phase compiling: xml-parser-pm581-2.34-13 failed
> I tried installing the xml-parser separately, which worked, but then
> when I re-executed "fink install bundle-gnome gtkhtml3 gtkhtml3-dev
> gtkhtml3-shlibs" I got the same error.
> Can any more experienced people provide some guidance?
> Thanks,
> Barton