[MonoDevelop] Copy/Paste Bug. (Venezuela)

Christian Hergert chris@mosaix.net
Fri, 29 Oct 2004 09:55:53 -0700

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I think the problem is in the copy/past addin finding the top-level
widget. It seems to default to the top view for me. I can replicate this
error every time by creating a new folder, and Ctrl-V while changing the
folder name places the copy-text into the current view buffer rather
than the folder name.

~ chris

On Fri, 2004-10-29 at 12:33 -0400, Levi Bard wrote:
> > I use Monodevelop strongly, but it has a bug in the Copy/Paste utility:=
> >=20
> > Steps:
> >  * Copy some selected text
> >  * Specify the location=20
> >  * Paste the selected text
> >  * Compiling the project
> > =20
> >  The task list show many errors produced by 'the selected text'
> >  was pasted in other locations (aleatory), different that i specified.
> I have experienced this as well, although it seems to be
> inconsistent/intermittent.
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