[MonoDevelop] Dragable tabs
Todd Berman
Sun, 09 May 2004 17:34:45 -0400
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I have got it working, it uses the dirty ConnectBefore stuff, but thatis
easily ported to the override stuff.
This works on gtk-sharp from cvs, let me know if it works on 0.91.1.
I am going to integrate this with MD and getit in. Thanks a lot :)
On Sun, 2004-09-05 at 16:33 +0200, Iñigo Illán wrote:
> I have been trying to port the code that implements dragable tabs from
> gossip (which is written in C) to C#. The code looks good but for some
> reason I can't make it work. It seems MotionNotify event it's never
> launched. Maybe it could be some bug on gtk#? Anyway I let you the
> code so anyone maybe can find the problem.
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=DragableTabsNotebook.cs
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// created on 03/19/2004 at 20:45
using System;
using Gtk;
using GtkSharp;
using Gdk;
public class prueba
public static void Main()
Application.Init ();
new Interfaz ();
Application.Run ();
class DragableTabsNotebook : Notebook
protected bool draginprogress = false;
protected int srcpage;
protected double xstart;
protected double ystart;
protected Cursor cursor;
public DragableTabsNotebook ()
this.ButtonPressEvent += new ButtonPressEventHandler (ButtonPressCallback);
this.ButtonReleaseEvent += new ButtonReleaseEventHandler (ButtonReleaseCallback);
this.AddEvents ((Int32) (EventMask.AllEventsMask));
protected int FindTabAtNumPos (double absx, double absy)
PositionType tabpos;
int pagenum = 0, xroot, yroot, maxx, maxy;
Widget page, tab;
tabpos = this.TabPos;
if (this.NPages == 0)
return -1;
page = this.GetNthPage (pagenum);
while (page != null)
tab = this.GetTabLabel (page);
if (tab == null)
return -1;
// if (!tab.Mapped)
// {
// pagenum++;
// continue;
// }
tab.ParentWindow.GetOrigin (out xroot, out yroot);
maxx = xroot + tab.Allocation.X + tab.Allocation.Width;
maxy = yroot + tab.Allocation.Y + tab.Allocation.Height;
if ((tabpos == PositionType.Top || tabpos == PositionType.Bottom) && absx <= maxx)
return pagenum;
else if ((tabpos == PositionType.Right || tabpos == PositionType.Left) && absx <= maxy)
return pagenum;
page = this.GetNthPage (pagenum);
return -1;
protected void OnTabsReordered ()
protected void MotionNotifyCallback (object obj, MotionNotifyEventArgs args)
int curpage, pagenum;
if (!draginprogress)
//if (Gtk.Drag.CheckThreshold (this, (Int32) xstart, (Int32) ystart, (Int32) args.Event.XRoot, (Int32) args.Event.YRoot))
curpage = this.CurrentPage;
DragStart (curpage, args.Event.Time);
// return;
pagenum = FindTabAtNumPos (args.Event.XRoot, args.Event.YRoot);
MoveTab (pagenum);
protected void MoveTab (int destpagenum)
int curpagenum;
Widget curpage, tab;
curpagenum = this.CurrentPage;
if (destpagenum != curpagenum)
curpage = this.GetNthPage (curpagenum);
tab = this.GetTabLabel (curpage);
this.ReorderChild (CurrentPageWidget, destpagenum);
protected void DragStart (int srcpage, uint time)
draginprogress = true;
this.srcpage = srcpage;
if (cursor == null)
cursor = new Cursor (CursorType.Fleur);
Grab.Add (this);
if (!Pointer.IsGrabbed)
Pointer.Grab (this.ParentWindow, false, EventMask.Button1MotionMask | EventMask.ButtonReleaseMask, null, cursor, time);
protected void DragStop ()
if (draginprogress)
draginprogress = false;
srcpage = -1;
this.MotionNotifyEvent -= new MotionNotifyEventHandler (MotionNotifyCallback);
protected void ButtonReleaseCallback (object obj, ButtonReleaseEventArgs args)
if (Pointer.IsGrabbed)
Pointer.Ungrab (args.Event.Time);
Gtk.Grab.Remove (this);
DragStop ();
protected void ButtonPressCallback (object obj, ButtonPressEventArgs args)
int tabpos;
tabpos = FindTabAtNumPos (args.Event.XRoot, args.Event.YRoot);
if (draginprogress)
srcpage = this.CurrentPage;
xstart = args.Event.XRoot;
ystart = args.Event.YRoot;
if (args.Event.Button == 1 && args.Event.Type == EventType.ButtonPress && tabpos >= 0)
this.MotionNotifyEvent += new MotionNotifyEventHandler (MotionNotifyCallback);
class Interfaz
Gtk.Window window;
DragableTabsNotebook notebook;
protected void quit (object obj, DeleteEventArgs args)
Application.Quit ();
public Interfaz ()
window = new Gtk.Window("Example");
window.DeleteEvent += new DeleteEventHandler (quit);
notebook = new DragableTabsNotebook ();
notebook.AppendPage (new Gtk.TextView(), new Label("Example1"));
notebook.AppendPage (new Gtk.TextView(), new Label("Example2"));
notebook.AppendPage (new Gtk.TextView(), new Label("Example3"));
notebook.AppendPage (new Gtk.TextView(), new Label("Example4"));
notebook.AppendPage (new Gtk.TextView(), new Label("Example5"));