[MonoDevelop] Need some assistance with creating a MonoDevelop Accelrator for Ctrl + Space

John BouAntoun jba-mono@optusnet.com.au
Tue, 23 Mar 2004 22:58:11 +1100

Hi guys,

I have implemented the following:

--> begin code snip

namespace MonoDevelop.EditorBindings.Commands
	public class CompletionWindowPupUp : AbstractMenuCommand

<-- end code snip

So what I've created is an Command that can be run to launch the code
completion window popup on the character at the current InsertMark
(cursor position) in the current source editor if there is a valid one

I spent a long time searching the entire code base trying to find a
place where I could wire this AbstractCommand into the Accelerator for
Ctrl + Space, but had no luck whatsoever.

I found a few potential positions, but it didn't seem to work out.

I suspect also that Ctrl + Space has already been wired into template
completion (when it should be code completion).

All I need to close the bug in bugzilla is a way to wire it into Ctrl +
Space, so some help here would be appreciated.


P.S. Ultimately we would want it's accelerator key to be an option in
the options panel.