[MonoDevelop] Licensing concerns.

Todd Berman tberman@off.net
Tue, 20 Jul 2004 12:35:45 -0400

On Tue, 2004-07-20 at 18:36 +0200, Christoph Wille wrote:
> As posted on July 17th by Bernhard, we received a reply from the FSF 
> regarding the licensing issues discussed on this list. A PDF of the FSF 
> reply is also available at
> <http://www.dotnetgerman.com/blogs/rackechs/PermaLink.aspx?guid=2c7afb
> 53-154e-4589-8c86-6140586b7225>. The SharpDevelop team accepts this answer 
> as final and authoritative in this matter. We will continue in using the 
> GPL for our code as we strongly believe in the value of Open Source Software.
> We are happy to see that MonoDevelop can add their own add-ins using the 
> X11 license the team prefers. MonoDevelop is in our eyes an important 
> factor in the success of Mono and we wish it well.
> Last but not least I would like to offer my apologies for a discussion that 
> went over board on a topic that is as controversial as it is vital to the 
> Open Source community. Efficient and professional resolution of such 
> conflicts is of essence for the future of Open Source. Now let us all 
> continue what we know to do best - write good code.
> Chris

Excellent, good to see this resolved.
