[MonoDevelop] Licensing concerns.
Chris Turchin
Thu, 15 Jul 2004 04:43:17 -0700 (PDT)
On Thu, 15 Jul 2004, Martin Probst wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm only following this thread as a MonoDevelop user and I don't really
> understand the issue.
> > We never said that our point of view is of "fundamental ethical"
> > proportions - it is strictly focused on legality.
> If the problem is only a legal problem, why don't you just go ahead and
> create another exception of the GPL for MonoDevelop? As far as I
> understand you can relicense your code if you wish to. And if MonoDevelops
> contributions are MIT X11 you can integrate their good work so both sides
> take revenue from each other. OpenSource software style.
> I don't see any legal issues keeping you from doing that, or am I
> missunderstanding things?
this was my point exactly. thank you martin!