[MonoDevelop] mondevelop first impressions

Todd Berman tberman@off.net
Fri, 02 Jul 2004 15:24:14 -0400

Chris Turchin wrote:
> hi everyone,
> i finally sat down and got monodevelop to compile last night and must say I was
> more than a little impressed at how well it works already. Great work!
> Here were a few things that I noticed and was wondering if they should get bug
> reports or are already fixed (I just grabbed the 0.5 monodevelop sources from
> the go-mono site, my mono install is from anon cvs). Here were my only real
> stumbling points (mdk 9.1, btw. if that makes any difference):
> during configure:
> monodevelop expects monodoc v. 1.0 but the configure.in from
> monodoc is still:
> AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(monodoc, 0.18)

on my version pkgconfig --modversion monodoc returns 1.0:

[tberman@localhost tberman]$ pkg-config --modversion monodoc

> from configure.in in cvs (and monodoc.pc looks that way too, since its
> generated - the monodoc.dll version is indeed 1.0)
> after that, install went great (great == error install <pkg1>, <pkg1> installed,
> try again, error install <pkg2>, <pkg2> installed, try again ... etc. until all
> requirements met).
> then after the install, some icons were missing in my gnome setup, in
> particular:
> /usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/mimetypes/gnome-mime-text-x-sh.png
>  which is a symlink to gnome-mime-text-x-shellscript.png

most likely the reason this causes the issues is that some part of that, 
either the symlink or the real file isnt readable by non root users

but, i am going to add a check to make sure the file we are about to 
load exists, technically it isnt needed because gnome should be doing 
this for us, but it appears that it isnt. :)


> starting MD as root was no problem but as a normal user I got this very long
> stack trace (see end of mail), which was solved by copying the file to the right
> place.
> Since then, I have only toyed around with it a bit but I think its great. If I
> were not stuck in xterminals so often (ssh'ing to my linux box), it would as of
> right now be my standard IDE. And when I do have an x windows environment, well,
> it already is my standard IDE.
> If I should file bug reports for either for these things (the monodoc problem
> is actually a mondoc problem i guess...), pls let me know.
> Best Regards,
> --chris
> [chris@arcteryx tmp]$ monodevelop
> node `classlib-mono-getoptions' is not defined on the documentation map
> Reading /home/chris/.config/MonoDevelop/CodeCompletionData/mscorlib_1.0.5000.0_b
> 77a5c561934e089.pidb
> Creating DefaultWorkbench
> Loading error, please reinstall :
> System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the ta
> rget of an invocation. ---> GLib.GException: Failed to open file '/usr/share/ico
> ns/gnome/48x48/mimetypes/gnome-mime-text-x-sh.png': No such file or directory
> in <0x000a4> Gdk.Pixbuf:.ctor (string)
> in [0x00074] (at /home/chris/Documents/dev/monodevelop-0.5/src/Libraries/MonoDev
> elop.Gui.Utils/FileIcons/FileIconLoader.cs:58) MonoDevelop.Gui.Utils.FileIconLoa
> der:GetPixbufForType (string)
> in [0x00046] (at /home/chris/Documents/dev/monodevelop-0.5/src/Libraries/MonoDev
> elop.Gui.Utils/FileIcons/FileIconLoader.cs:40) MonoDevelop.Gui.Utils.FileIconLoa
> der:GetPixbufForFile (string,int,int)
> in [0x00066] (at /home/chris/Documents/dev/monodevelop-0.5/src/Main/Base/Gui/Pad
> s/FileScout/FileListItem.cs:78) MonoDevelop.Gui.Pads.FileListItem:.ctor (string)
> in [0x0006d] (at /home/chris/Documents/dev/monodevelop-0.5/src/Main/Base/Gui/Pad
> s/FileScout/FileScout.cs:74) MonoDevelop.Gui.Pads.FileScout:OnDirChanged (string
> )
> in [0x000a9] (at /home/chris/Documents/dev/monodevelop-0.5/src/Main/Base/Gui/Pad
> s/FileScout/FileScout.cs:58) MonoDevelop.Gui.Pads.FileScout:.ctor ()
> in (unmanaged) (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoCMethod:Interna
> lInvoke (object,object[])
> in <0x00004> (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoCMethod:InternalI
> nvoke (object,object[])
> in [0x00033] (at /home/chris/Documents/dev/mono-cvs/mcs/class/corlib/System.Refl
> ection/MonoMethod.cs:280) System.Reflection.MonoCMethod:Invoke (object,System.Re
> flection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.Binder,object[],System.Globalization.Cul
> tureInfo)
> --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
> in [0x00052] (at /home/chris/Documents/dev/mono-cvs/mcs/class/corlib/System.Refl
> ection/MonoMethod.cs:284) System.Reflection.MonoCMethod:Invoke (object,System.Re
> flection.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.Binder,object[],System.Globalization.Cul
> tureInfo)
> in [0x00007] (at /home/chris/Documents/dev/mono-cvs/mcs/class/corlib/System.Refl
> ection/MonoMethod.cs:289) System.Reflection.MonoCMethod:Invoke (System.Reflectio
> n.BindingFlags,System.Reflection.Binder,object[],System.Globalization.CultureInf
> o)
> in [0x00017] (at /home/chris/Documents/dev/mono-cvs/mcs/class/corlib/System.Refl
> ection/ConstructorInfo.cs:62) System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo:Invoke (object[]
> )
> in [0x00074] (at /home/chris/Documents/dev/mono-cvs/mcs/class/corlib/System/Acti
> vator.cs:260) System.Activator:CreateInstance (System.Type,bool)
> in [0x00002] (at /home/chris/Documents/dev/mono-cvs/mcs/class/corlib/System/Acti
> vator.cs:151) System.Activator:CreateInstance (System.Type)
> in [0x00013] (at /home/chris/Documents/dev/mono-cvs/mcs/class/corlib/System.Refl
> ection/Assembly.cs:468) System.Reflection.Assembly:CreateInstance (string,bool)
> in [0x00003] (at /home/chris/Documents/dev/mono-cvs/mcs/class/corlib/System.Refl
> ection/Assembly.cs:459) System.Reflection.Assembly:CreateInstance (string)
> in [0x00035] (at /home/chris/Documents/dev/monodevelop-0.5/src/Libraries/MonoDev
> elop.Core/AddIns/AddIn.cs:432) MonoDevelop.Core.AddIns.AddIn:CreateObject (strin
> g)
> in [0x0000c] (at /home/chris/Documents/dev/monodevelop-0.5/src/Libraries/MonoDev
> elop.Core/AddIns/Codons/ClassCodon.cs:27) MonoDevelop.Core.AddIns.Codons.ClassCo
> don:BuildItem (object,System.Collections.ArrayList,MonoDevelop.Core.AddIns.Condi
> tions.ConditionCollection)
> in [0x00058] (at /home/chris/Documents/dev/monodevelop-0.5/src/Libraries/MonoDev
> elop.Core/AddIns/DefaultAddInTreeNode.cs:180) MonoDevelop.Core.AddIns.DefaultAdd
> InTreeNode:BuildChildItems (object)
> in [0x00010] (at /home/chris/Documents/dev/monodevelop-0.5/src/Main/Base/Gui/Wor
> kbench/DefaultWorkbench.cs:612) MonoDevelop.Gui.DefaultWorkbench:UpdateViews (ob
> ject,System.EventArgs)
> in [0x00015] (at /home/chris/Documents/dev/monodevelop-0.5/src/Main/Base/Command
> s/AutostartCommands.cs:41) MonoDevelop.Commands.InitializeWorkbenchCommand:Run (
> )
> in [0x001d2] (at /home/chris/Documents/dev/monodevelop-0.5/src/Main/StartUp/Mono
> DevelopMain.cs:115) MonoDevelop.SharpDevelopMain:Main (string[])
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