[MonoDevelop] Patch for some newed TextEditor Property bindings

Todd Berman tberman@sevenl.net
Sat, 07 Feb 2004 13:27:59 -0500

This looks good, if you can add the switch, that would be even better.

Go ahead and commit.


On Sat, 2004-02-07 at 05:24, John BouAntoun wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> Spent a fair while looking at the newed's SourceEditorDisplayBinding and
> related files trying to figure out what could and couldn't be changed.
> I ended up modifying the "void PropertiesChanged (object sender,
> PropertyEventArgs e)" event so that it had place holders for all the
> Text Editor options in the option panel.
> Where the existing gtksourceview functionality was able to map to the
> TextEditorProperties I wired them in.
> Not much code, but a great deal of time spent trying to understand how
> it all works. I'd be interested to hear from BenM about how he intends
> to add in the other properties that don't already map to sourceview,
> because I would like to help.
> Also where is a good place to get api docs of the SourceView component?
> Anyways, here is the patch. It adds stuff like tab size, showing the
> vertical ruler, and tabs as spaces. It seemed to have a problem
> displaying the end of line marker though.
> Regards, 