[MonoDevelop] Newbiee - Installing and running

Alexandre Gomes alexmipego@hotmail.com
Tue, 14 Dec 2004 15:23:11 +0000

in a normal system the executable files would be in /usr/bin or 
Anyway, it is supposed that they are acessible from anywhere, try this: 
which mono - this should give you the installation path.

Danai Mukusha wrote:

>Am new to linux and the big thing that has convinced to move was MONO.
>Anyway, running suse9.0 pro.  I have loaded up all the files for mono
>via the rpm packages on the site.  The problem is that They have not
>appeared in the development selection list and I can't work out how to
>run from the command line.
>Can anyone tell me where the files are located so i try from bash or
>aid me in setting up an icon so I can run from desktop, KDE or  Gnome.
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