[MonoDevelop] Warnings

Fawad Halim fawad@fawad.net
Tue, 24 Aug 2004 12:35:39 -0500

Yes, if you open up the project properties, there's an option for 
treating warnings as errors (or something to that effect). The caveat is 
that if you have multiple projects in a solution and a non-startup 
project compile is causing the warning, you set that option on the 
startup project, not the one that had the warning.


Gearoid Donnellan wrote:
> I was trying out some code that was overloading operators and I got a
> warning saying that I hade overridden == or != but that I dont
> override Object.GetHash.
> This is fine. I dont mind that warning being there but the problem is
> that when I try and run the program through mondevelop it wont let me.
> Is there a way to tell monodevelop to ignore the warnings during
> compilation and to run the program anyway?