[MonoDevelop] Package content

Stephen Roller mono@omghack.com
Wed, 4 Aug 2004 12:45:59 -0400 (EDT)

I disagree.  There _should_ be 40 different packages to install mono. 
Most of them are entirely seperate projects.  I want Mono and XSP/mod_mono
on my server. I don't want GTK#.

I think it boils down to what feels normal on that operating system.  It
is quite common for a one-installs-all program in Windows.  In Linux,
things considered separate projects are packaged that way.

Just my observation/opinion.  I'm sure people will consider moving the
entire Mono suite into one package.

> Arnoux Vincent wrote:
>> Hello the List,
>> I have a (probably dumb) question: why are there about 40 RPM's to
>> install for Red Hat in order to have a complete Mono installation,
>> when the is only one setup file for Windows ?
>> Shouldn't it be better to have only 1 package for Linux as for Windows ?
>> Regards,
>> Vincent
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