[MonoDevelop] patch to refresh the class scout after adding a file to a project

Todd Berman tberman@sevenl.net
Tue, 27 Apr 2004 17:51:14 -0400

The correct way to fix this is to add an event for when a file is added
to a project, and have the ClassBrowser force a full redraw on the file
being added. The classbrowser should be attaching and doing the same to
the file removed event as well.

Calling the OnCombineOpened event when a file is added to a project may
work now, with our plugin usage, but may not later. No need to create a
bug with a workaround instead of a proper solution.


On Tue, 2004-27-04 at 12:20 -0400, John Luke wrote:
> On Tue, 2004-04-27 at 23:01 +0900, Nick D wrote:
> > Here's a patch for Erik's #2 complaint.  In my simple testing it didn't
> > seem to break anything.
> > 
> > OK to commit?
> > 
> > Nick D.
> I was looking into this last night also.  It seems to me there should be
> an event for Adding/Removing Files (there is one for removing), but I
> can't help wondering why SD doesn't have this (or why we didn't inherit
> it from them).  It makes me think there is somewhere else where this is
> supposed to tied in at.  Also, it doesn't work for when files are
> removed, but a step in the right direction at least.  Any thoughts?
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